Numbers Don't Lie--They Just Don't Say Everything
Saturday Matinee Music Video "Numbers for Days"
SATURDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO “Numbers for Days” by peter chauncey feat. Daniel Berkman (whose birthday is today) & Johnny J. Blair
…peter writes, “There are so many ways to look at or analyze any given song. My song ‘Numbers for Days’ could be considered through all sorts of lenses or filters, through combinations of political, religious, environmental, cultural, or social experiences that are bound to change each of us over time.” On a cosmic jukebox this would play between Talking Heads and David Bowie’s electronica.
electronic drums/special effects - Daniel Berkman
bass, background vocals, production - Johnny J. Blair
vocals, keyboards - peter chauncey
mixing, mastering – Will Mandel
#davidbowie #talkingheads #electronica #synthesizer #numbers #danielberkman #peterchauncey #johnnyjblair #clout #lilkim #sanfrancisco #singersongwriter #recording #politics #religion #culture #experience #change #bayarea #synthpop