Yesterday I was entertaining in an assisted living home and a woman, laden with an oxygen tank and barely able to talk, told me she was from New Mexico. So, I played her “Adobe Hacienda,” a forgotten gem from the 1940s that I discovered by happenstance on a 78.
The original recording of this Western Swing “cowboy song” was written and performed by Louise Massey & The Westerners, a band of siblings who skillfully sang, wrote, and played a corral full of instruments.
Louise played piano and became the band’s cynosure because of her flamboyant Spanish-style costumes.
In the 1930s-40, The Masseys successfully recorded, toured, appeared in 3 movies, and became radio stars. They disbanded in the 1950s with each member going on to successful careers (Raymond Massey later wrote “The Theme To ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’”).
Louise made Roswell, New Mexico her home, where she wrote this song. It brings warmth to the atmosphere of the great and mysterious southwest while describing a working person’s idyll adorned with love and inner sunshine. When I play it, I feel like I’m sitting in her patio in a twilight zone
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